Thursday 12 March 2009

Gmap Track

Makes 1984 seem a bit tame! Alternative to Google Latitude (which is not supported on my mobile).

Sunday 13 July 2008

The High tops of the Cairngorms

Armchair browsing of books of the highlands will always tempt a person to put the Cairngorms in the second division, and views from Aviemore do little to alleviate this opinion. However, whenever I visit this high and expansive summits, I'm always sharply reminded that they are equal with the very best in the highlands, and that their sub-arctic landscape and caledonian glens make for a unique experience. This year we had a 2 day camp in upper Glen Derry at just under 2000 ft and after an evening walk up Beinn a' Chaorainn ( a connoisseurs munro..!!), we had a wonderful days walk over Beinn Mheadhoin (Vee'an apparently), Ben Macdui, and Derry Cairngorm. The walk had a good blend of path and pathless and a day of brooding skies and passing shafts of sunlight made for an unforgettable day. I saw an article on the web which summarised the feeling you get on these tops. This guy (Cameron) was standing on Breariach, and I think nicely summarises the feeling I had at the summit of Stob Coire Sputan Dearg, the extremely worthwhile south top of Ben Macdui. "Stand by the summit cairn on a clear day and gaze down the long, empty miles of Glen Dee, past the bulk of Beinn Macdui and the long arm of Carn a' Mhaim on one side and the angular outline of Cairn Toul on the other and you'll be overwhelmed by a sensation of space and distance, an emotion that wills you to fly."

Sunday 6 July 2008

Cairngorms Slideshow

Any flickr pictures tagged with 'titans2008' should appear in this slideshow...

Midge Alert

As we relaxed with one of many cups of tea (boiled by the efficient but utterly unstable MSR Pocket Rocket) the wind fell and the midges attacked. Those with prior experience spoke of 'death by a thousand cuts', so we all put our midge protection headgear on. Hence the eccentric appearance.
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Monday 30 June 2008

Distribution of Scottish Munros by Height

Click to enlarge Good site for Munro information.

Rob's Adrian's New Drysack

Just worked out the HTML tag for strike-through :-)